2009年10月23日 星期五


作品名稱:Wall 中文翻譯:瓦力 

【瓦力】是3D動畫第一品牌皮克斯的第九部作品,是由【海底總動員】導演安德魯·斯坦頓(Andrew Stanton)執導的第二部動畫片。這部動畫描述好幾百年以後,地球的垃圾堆積如山,污染嚴重,人類紛紛移居到外太空居住。有一天人類決定派打掃機器人瓦力到地球打掃環境,希望有一天環境變好之後,人類能夠再回來地球定居。瓦力每天的工作就是打掃,晚上則居住在一個鐵皮貨櫃中,他最大的樂趣就是從垃圾堆中發現各種奇特的物品,當作自己的收藏。後來人類派了另一位女性機器人來查看整個清理的狀況,這位專家就好比機器人中的名模一般,外型有如最時尚的i-pod,閃閃動人,而純樸的瓦力當然也對她相當的傾心,迫不及待要把自己的好康收藏與她分享…

【Wall】 is the first brand 3D animation Pixar's ninth film. that is【Finding Nemo】director Andrew Stanton directed the second animated film. This animation describes several centuries later, the Earth's garbage is piling up, serious pollution, mankind have moved to outer space to live. One day decided to send humans to Earth cleaning robot WALL-E clean up the environment, hope that one day after the environment changed for the better, humans can no longer come back to settle in the earth. The daily job is to clean the wall at night living in a tin containers, his greatest pleasure is found in a variety of strange from the garbage heap of items, as their collection. Later, another female human robot sent to see the entire clean-up situation, the expert is like the supermodel robot general, appearance is like the most stylish i-pod, glittering and moving, while the simplicity of the wall of course, for her a considerable sight, can not wait to build herself with her collection of goodies to share ...

