2009年10月14日 星期三

Finding Nemo

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Now before the Pixar【 Finding Nemo】 several works compared to the scene of the rich, the role of the large number of animated family is a major challenge, particularly in film events at Ocean World, how the performance of undersea scenes can be described as the largest film difficulties, ocean scene with the scene on land is different from the performance of the sea lies adrift in the ocean currents, resulting swing of biological, separated by water leakage down the light, rising air bubbles ... and so on. Pixar once again demonstrate their talent for leading 3D animation(動畫), film Individual has overcome many difficulties, showing amazing water in the world.

其實皮克斯過去曾在1989年推出過一部短篇動畫作品【Knick Knack】,當時就有表現過水中場景,然而礙於當時技術,不像如今【海底總動員】裡所表現的這般流暢,但沒有當初的研發就沒有如今的成果。因此這次皮克斯特別把這部短片搭配【海底總動員】正片一同上映,算是紀念該片當初製作水中場景的啟蒙。

In fact, Pixar in the past in 1989 had a short animated works【Knick Knack】, the performance over time, some water scenes, but because of the technology at that time, unlike today 【Finding Nemo】, where the performance is so smooth, but there is no original research and development there would be no today's results. Therefore, the Pixar short film with a special effort to【 Finding Nemo】 positive film with release can be regarded as produced to commemorate the original film scene in the water of enlightenment.

