2009年10月13日 星期二


source : http://www.pixar.com/artistscorner/andrew/interview.html

You wear many hats at Pixar-you're both a director of photography and co-writer and -director of the short film One Man Band. First, tell me more about your work as a director of photography.

As director of photography for The Incredibles, I helped provide for director Brad Bird detailed story reels with camera moves and temporary effects before it went into production (this is also known as animatics). Because I have a background in live action, my role was to create that natural imperfection in the shots that people are used to seeing. Computers make everything perfect, so I would add the effect of what it would look like if a guy were holding a camera and it were real. I added camera shakes, imperfections and rotations to give a dynamic edge to the scenes. I would also supervise and work with the animators and layout, and supervise the transition of camera movement into 3-D.


身為超人特攻隊的攝影導驗,在它進入到製作之前,我幫忙提供布萊德博德導演電影故事細節的膠捲和暫時的效果。(這也就是所知的動態腳本) 因為我有實況播送情節的背景,我的角色在攝影中去創造人們通常看得到的自然瑕疵。電腦使每件事都很完美,所以我增加點它看起來像假如有個人正在拿著攝影機攝影的效果。 在螢幕上有了力學的優勢,我增加了攝影機震動,瑕疵和旋轉。我也監督和動畫家一起工作及版面編排,並且監督把攝影機裡的影像轉換到3-D影像。

