2009年10月18日 星期日

Astro Boy

Picture source: http://movie.pchome.com.tw/movie_new/movie_photo_show.htm?mid=829&img=125326481770

Article source: http://mag.udn.com/mag/digital/storypage.jsp?f_ART_ID=170550

The movie source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aggqlxQNy34

《原子小金剛》是手塚治虫在 1951 年創作的漫畫作品,該作自 1963 年之後主要有三個系列的電視動畫作品,並曾在 1959 年改編成真人版日劇。 故事中「天馬博士」的兒子「飛雄」因車禍死亡,於是他以最新科技,模仿飛雄的樣貌製作了「原子小金剛」,並當做自己的兒子養育。可是,當天馬博士發現小金剛不會長高時,才發現他和真人不同,因而開始厭惡小金剛,甚至將他賣至馬戲團。

而本次運用 3D 動畫技術將《原子小金剛》,除了是由《鼠國流浪記》的導演 大衛鮑爾(David Bowers)執導之外,也將由曾作有《忍者龜:炫風再起》、《科學小飛俠》等 3D 動畫電影的「意馬國際」負責製作。而本次將為作品配音的則包括了奧斯卡影帝尼可拉斯凱吉、天才童星佛萊迪海默,以及唐納德薩瑟蘭、比爾奈伊等人。

The comic book :《Astro Boy》was created by 手塚治虫 in 1951 , since 1963 , after the three main series of television animation , and adapted into a live-action version of Japanese TV drama in 1959.

The story of "天馬博士" son of "飛雄" died in a car accident, and he with the latest technology to mimic the appearance of flying male produced a "Astro Boy" and raise as his own son. But that day, 天馬博士 was found when the Astro Boy is not tall, only to find him and live a different, and thus began to dislike the Astro Boy , and even he was selling to the circus.

