2009年10月25日 星期日

Motion Capture

Motion capture is defined as "The creation of a 3D representation of a live performance." in the book Understanding Motion Capture for Computer Animation and Video Games by Alberto Menache. This is in contrast to animation that is created 'by hand' through a process known as keyframing.
在書中可以了解到 Motion Capture 是用於電腦動畫以及電玩上的一種技術,他被Alberto Menache定義為"利用現場演出建立3D塑像"。相對於一般動畫製成,這是一個能利用真的"手"去揮動並且完成動畫製作。

Motion capture (AKA Mocap) used to be considered a fairly controversial tool for creating animation. In the early days, the effort required to 'clean up' motion capture data often took as long as if the animation was created by an animator, from scratch. Thanks to hard work by the manufacturers of motion capture systems as well as numerous software developers, motion capture has become a feasible tool for the generation of animation.

