2009年10月14日 星期三

The Incredibles

Is a well-known film director Brad Bird joined Pixar animated film's first film, Story is about an uncanny talent Superman family, Bob Parr, Mr. Incredible in the fight against crime in the past participated in a lot of heroic deeds, Later, the community's change of attitude, he and his wife, Helen retreated into the shadows after marriage, 10 years They have three children - Violet, Dash and the newly-born Jack-Jack,
They are a family of five living in big cities, suburbs, living with the most normal people, the same quiet life. However, such a quiet life was later interrupted, not only to conceal the identity of the original work is not insurance, Even drawn into the pre-planned conspiracy. The ambitious villain Syndrome progenitor is unknown, began to secretly expand the fight against Incredibles action, As a result, his previous profession of Mr. Incredible once again assume the heavy responsibility of saving the world either, but after so many years later, he still Baodaoweilao? In particular, now he is a superhuman family head of the family, Every family has its difficult to read the classics, to save the world at the same time, how a person is still united together? All kinds of tests are waiting for a family the size of Superman

本片是知名動畫導演 Brad Bird 加入皮克斯執導的首部作品,故事是關於一個天賦異秉的超人家庭,本名為 Bob Parr 的 Incredible 先生過去參與過不少打擊犯罪的英雄事蹟,後來因為社會大眾心態的轉變,他跟愛妻 Helen 結婚後就退隱江湖,十多年來他們育有三個子女- Violet 、Dash 和剛出生的 Jack-Jack ,他們一家五口住在大城市的郊區,過著跟一般正常人同樣的平靜生活。但是, 這樣平靜的生活後來卻被打斷了,不但原本掩飾身分的工作不保,甚至被捲進事先策劃的陰謀。野心勃勃的大壞蛋 Syndrome 來頭不明,開始秘密展開打擊超人特攻隊的行動,於是,重操舊業的 Incredible 先生,再度擔負起拯救世界的重責大任,但事隔多年以後,他是否依然寶刀未老?尤其,如今他是超人家庭的一家之主,家家有本難唸的經,拯救世界的同時,如何讓一家人依然團結在一起呢?種種考驗正等待著超人家庭的一家大小!

