2009年10月25日 星期日


source : http://www.pixar.com/artistscorner/andrew/interview.html

It sounds fast-paced.We try to be creative but also work within the schedule of the shot. A shot sheet says how many frames a shot has and how much time you have to work on it. It’s important to work within the schedule allotted because the shot usually has to go through other aspects of film production, such as special effects, lighting and shading. In order for us to be able to put our movie out in time, we have to allow for time in each aspect of the production process but sometimes there are technical difficulties that happen that we can’t anticipate.


我們在這樣的節奏中試著保持創造力,不過當然也要能夠準時完成鏡頭,鏡頭進度表(shot sheet)上頭會寫一個鏡頭有幾格,也會寫你有多少時間可以做,要能夠準時交出完成的鏡頭是非常重要的,因為之後鏡頭還得要打光或製作特效等等。所以要能夠準時完成影片,就得控制好進度,雖然常常也會有我們無法預期的技術問題發生。

Shot sheet: 鏡頭進度表, 表示一個鏡頭會有幾格,也會顯示你有多少時間可以完成

