2009年10月24日 星期六

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

改編自《格林童話》Adapted from "Grimm's Fairy Tales"
"Grimm's Fairy Tales" Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs in the story can be said to be a household name, Walt Disney elected to the story as his epoch-making of the making! but this Disney first animated cartoon initially the Huate Disney spent all mental efforts only then to complete, In this piece of photography time, due to Walt Disney, for each frame are Qiuhaoxinqie require perfection, the request regarding each picture to be perfect, therefore the manufacture budget on climbs successively, photographs when this piece has too many problems to tackle, everywhere offers loans the loan, finally even links the square to mortgage for the bank loans! ertainly, to convince the banks to accept mortgages have spent no small effort! Success of 【Snow White】 Walt Disney would be a big gamble in life! This gamble has really unprecedented, staggering! And because of this, the Walt Disney film of the entire process was also taken at the time the U.S. media, jokingly called "Disney's Folly"。many U.S. critics just snickered do not think anyone would be willing to pay to see is a cartoon movie, released Fortunately, the film was an unqualified success, Cathay Circle Theater in Hollywood, celebrity performances get the audience (including Charlie Chaplin, Cary Grant, Shirley temple ... and so on) a standing ovation, success of 【Snow White】 to open a new page in the history of animation, from cartoon no longer just a cartoon, but have become animated! From 【Snow White】 to rewrite the history of the film, it is not only the world's first animated movie, its soundtrack is the world's first a movie soundtrack! Disney's animated kingdom lay leader from the status! Film in 1998 by the American Film Institute named the United States this century, one of the 100 classics.
《格林童話》中白雪公主與七個小矮人的故事可以說是家喻戶曉,華特迪士尼選上這個故事來當他的開天闢地之作!這部迪士尼首部動畫片當初可是華特迪士尼費盡一切心力才完成的,在本片拍攝時期,由於華特迪士尼對於每個畫面都求好心切、要求完美,因此製作預算節節上攀,拍攝此片時捉襟見肘、到處舉債借款,最後甚至連片場都抵押給銀行來貸款!當然,說服銀行接受抵押也花了不小的心力!【白雪公主】的成功與否將是華特迪士尼生命中的一大豪賭!這樣的豪賭可真是前所未有,令人瞠目結舌!而且因為如此,華特迪士尼拍攝本片的整個過程還被當時 的美國媒體戲謔稱作是〝迪士尼的傻勁〞(Disney's Folly)。許多美國影評還嗤之以鼻認為沒有人會願意花錢看一部都是卡通的電影,幸好本片上映獲得空前成功,在好萊塢 Cathay Circle 戲院演出時獲得名人觀眾﹙包括卓別林、卡萊葛倫、雪莉坦普…等﹚起立鼓掌,【白雪公主】成功開啟動畫史新頁,從此卡通不再只是卡通,而成為動畫!【白雪公主】從此改寫了影史,它不但是世界上第一部動畫電影,其原聲帶更是世界上第一張電影原聲帶!迪士尼的動畫王國從此奠下龍頭地位!本片在1998年被美國電影協會選為本世紀美國百部經典名片之一。

