2009年10月22日 星期四


picture source:http://disney.lovesakura.com/Gallery/ratatouille/index.htm
Source: http://disney.lovesakura.com/Text/ratatouille.htm


在2006年初迪士尼與皮克斯合而為一之後,皮克斯動畫下部作品【料理鼠王】也自然確定由迪士尼發行,本片的計畫其實之前就已傳出,原本是要由皮克斯自行出資,如今迪士尼買下皮克斯,本片就成為迪士尼2007年的強檔動畫電影了。本片故事是關於一隻希望成為大廚的小老鼠 Remy ,原本和家人住在法國鄉村,後來意外移居巴黎的下水道,而且讓他高興的是新家在一家頂級餐廳的下方,這家頂級餐廳的主廚 Auguste Gusteau 正是小老鼠的偶像,不過在這位食神過世以後,餐廳也面臨嚴峻的考驗,Remy 意外認識了菜鳥小廚師 Linguini ,成為他的影子廚師,終於有機會發揮他的廚藝天份,Remy 感覺離他夢想愈來愈接近了,當他一心想往美食烹調大師之路邁進的同時,一場刺激驚險的冒險也正在等待著他…

Combine into one after 2006 Disney and PIXAR , Pixar animation 【Ratatouille】 lower works naturally determined by the Walt Disney issued , in fact, prior to the film plan to spread, the original must be made by Pixar at its own expense, this piece became Disney 2007 the strong files animation movie. Film story is about a little mouse Remy wants to be chef, Remy and his family had lived in the French countryside, and later moved to Paris sewer, let He was pleased that his new home in a top restaurant in sewer, and this top restaurant chef Auguste Gusteau is a small mouse icon, But after the death of the God of Cookery, restaurants are also facing a severe test, Remy accidentally met a small rookie chef Linguini, became his shadow cook, and finally have the opportunity to exercise his culinary talent, Remy from his dream of getting close to feeling, and when he bent to the master of the road into the food cooking at the same time, a stimulus is also the thrill of adventure is waiting for him ...

