2009年10月19日 星期一

Monsters, Inc.


繼【玩具總動員】、【蟲蟲危機】、【玩具總動員2】之後,迪士尼與PIXAR公司再度合作推出第四部電腦動畫作品。劇情敘述有一個與人類世界並存的怪物世界,當人類父母不在的時候,他們就會從衣櫥的門溜進來嚇小孩,因為人類小孩的驚叫和恐懼,正是維繫此一怪物世界運作的能量來源,“怪獸電力公司”正是製造怪物能量的大工廠。但是隨著時代愈來愈進步,新世代的小朋友也愈來愈不容易被嚇到,怪物的世界因此面臨到嚴重的〝能源危機〞。在“怪獸電力公司”裡,有一隻名為 Mike 的單眼綠怪物和他的好友長毛怪 Sulley 是績效最好的拍檔,但有一次 Sulley 意外把一位人類小女孩 Boo 帶進怪物的世界,由於人類小孩被怪獸界認為是有毒的,足以毀滅怪獸世界,因此怪獸們發現居然有人類小孩闖進他們的世界,便引起了一陣恐慌,緊急總動員要消弭危險,但是 Mike 和 Sulley 這兩隻怪物後來發現其實小女孩 Boo 是無害的,於是他們盡一切力量要保護她,並護送她回家。本片在美國上映成績十分漂亮,10天就突破一億大關,一個月後又突破兩億,可說是為美國遭遇911空襲事件後慘澹的電影票房打下一劑超級強心針!

Following the【Toy Story】, 【A Bug's Life】, 【Toy Story2】, after , Disney and PIXAR's re-launch of Part IV of the computer animation work.Story describes a world with human coexistence of monsters in the world, when human beings when their parents are not, they slipped from the door of the wardrobe to scare the children,Because human children screaming and fear, it is a monster in the world to maintain the operation of this source of energy, "Monsters, Inc." It is Monster Energy's largest manufacturing plant.However, more and more as time advances, the new generation of children are growing is not easy to be intimidated by the monster's world, therefore faces a serious "energy crisis."In the "Monsters, Inc.", there is a green monster named Mike's monocular and his friends long-haired strange Sulley is the best performing partner, but once Sulley accidentally put a human little girl Boo into the monster world, Because human children are considered to be toxic monster world, sufficient to destroy the monster in the world, so there are as many monsters have found that human children broke into their world, they provoked a wave of panic,Emergency mobilization to eliminate risk, but Mike and Sulley was later discovered that in fact these two monsters are harmless little girl Boo, so they do everything in their power to protect her and escort her home. Film in the United States released the results were very beautiful, break 100 million mark in 10 days, a month after breaking 200 million, can be said for the U.S. air raid hit 911 movie at the box office after the very poor to lay a super-boost!

