2009年10月14日 星期三



Film from Disney, Pixar teamed up to launch the story background of the car took place in a strange world, in this world are just a group talking, can think of automobile, various styles, various brands. The garage of their home is their restaurants gas stations, motels is that they travel at the rest stop.

故事主角 【Lightning McQueen 】是一部時髦拉風的賽車, 以新人之姿過關斬將名列前矛,將在幾天後的加州賽車場舉行總決賽,不料卻在州際公路上遇到意外,流落到傳統公路 Route 66 上的一個荒涼小鎮。McQueen 在小鎮認識了許多新的朋友,原本心不甘情不願被迫留在鎮上勞動服務,卻在跟這邊居民的互動之中,讓他有了全新的體會。生命就像是一段旅程,一路衝向目標的同時,往往忽略了沿途的風景,面對即將到來的冠軍賽,當麥坤養精蓄銳重新上路時,他已有不同於以往的心境…

Story's main character【 Lightning McQueen】 is a stylish(時髦) car pull the wind in order to fight its way through the top new postures, spear, will in a few days at the California Circuit Finals, but, in the interstate highway was an accident, living in traditional Highway Route 66 on a deserted town. McQueen in town to know many new friends, had reluctantly been forced to stay in town labor service, but in the interaction among the residents with the side, so he had a completely new experience. Life is like a journey all the way away from its target, while often overlooked scenery along the face of the upcoming Championships, when McQueen recharge your batteries when on the road again, he has been different from the previous state of mind ...

