2009年11月17日 星期二


Background music ['bæk.graυnd 'mjuzɪk] 背景音樂

背景音樂(Background music,簡稱BGM),也稱配樂,通常是指在電視劇、電影、動畫、電子遊戲、網站中用於調節氣氛的一種音樂,插入於對話之中,能夠增強情感的表達,達到一種讓觀眾身歷其境的感受。另外,在一些公共場合(如酒吧、咖啡廳、商場)播放的音樂也稱背景音樂。

BGM (Background music), also known as the soundtrack, usually refers to TV shows, movies, animation, electronic games, the site for regulating the atmosphere of a music, insert in its dialogue can enhance the expression of emotion, to a means of allowing the audience an immersive feel. In addition, in some public places (such as bars, cafes, shopping malls) where music is also known as background music.

