2009年9月28日 星期一

Pixar’s Brad Bird on Fostering Innovation

布來得 伯特

Pixar’s Brad Bird on Fostering Innovation


Lesson Nine: Making $$ Can’t Be Your FocusThe Quarterly: How would you compare the Disney of your early career with Pixar today?
布來得 伯特:當我進入迪士尼,這就好像是豪華的凱迪拉克旅行汽車在雨中PS:就算是好車,再雨中也會被忽略,因為看不清楚,就不會去看。但是這公司的想法過程並不是這樣,我們有各式各樣驚人的遊樂設施與機械設備,我們要如何用這些設備去做些史人興奮的事情我門可以用這艘火箭船到火星是可以,不過我門一點也不了解Walt Disney,我們並不了解他要做什麼.我們不要讓這件事搞雜了.我們可以先保管這火箭船;去某些新地方可能會弄壞它! Walt Disney的箴言就是,我並不要製作電影去賺錢—我賺錢去製作電影對於評斷迪士尼的起與落,這是一個好方法。在皮克斯跟很多的公司之中,這也是事實這似乎違反常理,但是以研發為基礎的公司,成功的經營是短暫的,賺錢並不能成為重點。
Brad Bird: When I entered Disney, it was like a classic Cadillac Phaeton that had been left out in the rain… The company’s thought process was not, “We have all this amazing machinery—how do we use it to make exciting things?We could go to Mars in this rocket ship!”It was, “We don’t understand Walt Disney at all. We don’t understand what he did.Let’s not screw it up. Let’s just preserve this rocket ship; going somewhere new in it might damage it.”Walt Disney’s mantra was,“I don’t make movies to make money—I make money to make movies.” That’s a good way to sum up the difference between Disney at its height and Disney when it was lost.It’s also true of Pixar and a lot of other companies.It seems counterintuitive, but for imagination-based companies to succeed in the long run, making money can’t be the focus.

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