2009年9月26日 星期六

A look at Disney and Pixar's 3-D movie technology


3D電影早已普遍。然而,經過技術處理的照片看起來十分亮眼,但幕後的過程卻相當繁瑣(那些笨重的眼鏡),且在片長稍長的電影時,很多觀眾都抱怨會使頭痛。 不過,這是舊的3D技術。迪斯尼公司在星期二宣布,它將釋放幾乎前所未有的3D動畫電影,其中包括幾名來自及其附屬皮克斯(“向上”,“玩具總動員3”和重新發布的“玩具總動員”、“玩具總動員2 “以及”汽車總動員2“)。在此之前,類似的宣布:夢工廠。 電影公司可以藉由現代的3D顯示技術達成,依賴於數位投影,而不是電影製作3D圖像。
下面是它的工作:要查看圖像在3D,你的兩個眼睛必須顯示略有不同的圖片,當這樣做是正確的,你的大腦兩個圖像解釋的方式,成為立體,或認為圖片是有深度的。 上一代使用的3D電影膠片要做到這一點:一個投影機將顯示兩個不同的照片在屏幕上同時進行。每個圖像是通過一根不同的線性極化濾波器,即每個圖像解碼只能通過一個特殊的過濾器-這些過濾器安裝在您的3D眼鏡。

A look at Disney and Pixar's 3-D movie technologyThree-dimensional movies have long gotten a bad rap. Sure, when the technology worked the pictures looked pretty good, but the process was cumbersome (those bulky glasses), and in feature-length films, many in the audience complained of headaches. But that was the old 3-D technology. On Tuesday Disney announced that it would release nearly all of its future animated movies in 3-D, including several from its subsidiary Pixar ("Up," "Toy Story 3" and re-releases of "Toy Story" and "Toy Story 2," and "Cars 2"). The move follows a similar announcement from Dreamworks. The studios can do this thanks to modern 3-D display technology, which relies on digital projection rather than film to produce 3-D images. Here's how it works: To see an image in 3-D, each of your eyes must be shown a slightly different picture; when this is done correctly, your brain interprets the two images in a way that creates "stereopsis," or the perception of depth in the picture. Last-generation 3-D movies used film to do this: A projector would display two different pictures on the screen simultaneously. Each image was fed through a different a linear polarization filter, meaning that each image could only be decoded through a special filter -- these were the filters mounted in your 3-D glasses.

如果你的頭尺寸剛好,你和你的左眼、右眼將各自看到一個完全不同的畫面,“船長行政主任”會是什麼樣子,他就在那兒。 但是,如果你沒有將你的頭擺對位置,圖像會有破裂-你的左眼會看到一個輕微的殘餘圖像影響著你的右眼,和你的右眼將會看到位的圖片影響著你的左邊。此破裂引起的頭痛。 新的3D技術由 Beverly Hills 發明並命名為 Real D。正相反兩幅圖像的顯示屏幕上同時,Real D用一個特殊的數位投影不斷的在您的右眼左眼顯示圖片。
REAL D 3D電影每秒顯示144幀,是正常電影放映機的6倍。這些照片迅速在您的右眼不斷切換,您的左眼為鏡頭和黑色框架。 你還是必須戴上3D眼鏡,但REAL D 3D這裡增加了一個創新。圖片意味著每個眼睛是“圓偏振”,也就是說它們的製造工藝更看不到,不是為了看到他們-這減少了圖像的遺漏,從讓觀賞電影更為舒適。 不是每個影院能夠放映電影。迪斯尼的第一個3D電影是2005年的“Chicken Little”;全國只有不到100家有配備去播放3D電影。但是,這並沒有影響電影的賣座,以及隨後的3D版本-例如,“Hannah Montana”的演唱會電影,今年早些時候發布的-一直很受歡迎。 你可以找到附近的3D影院在Real D的網站。此外,去嘗試Ray-Ban's那精美的3D眼鏡。

If you held your head just right, your left eye and your right eye would each see a different picture, and "Captain EO" would look like he was right there.
But if you didn't hold your head correctly, the images would "leak" into each other -- your left eye would see a slight remnant of the image meant for your right eye, and your right eye would see a bit of the picture meant for your left. This leak caused headaches.
The new 3-D technology was built by a Beverly Hills start-up called Real D. Instead of showing two images on screen at the same time, Real D uses a special digital projector to show pictures for both your right eye and your left eye in rapid succession.
Real D projectors show 144 movie frames every second, six times faster than a normal film projector. The pictures rapidly alternate between frames for your right eye, frames for your left eye, and black frames.
You've still got to wear 3D glasses, but Real D adds another innovation here. Images meant for each eye are "circularly polarized," meaning they're made much more invisible to the eye not meant to see them -- this cuts down on image leak between the eyes, making for a much more comfortable experience.
Not every theater is capable of showing these films. Disney's first 3D movie was 2005's "Chicken Little"; fewer than 100 theaters nationwide were equipped to show the film in 3-D. But those that did were well attended, and subsequent 3-D releases -- for instance the "Hannah Montana" concert film, released earlier this year -- have been very popular.
You can find a nearby 3-D theater at Real D's site. Also, check out Ray-Ban's stylish 3-D glasses.

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