2009年9月28日 星期一

Latest on Shrek 4

Source: http://www.animated-news.com/2007/latest-on-shrek-4-puss-in-boots/

Coming soon has the latest word on the Puss in Boots spin-off from the Shrek series. Shrek the Third producer Aron Warner admits, “There’s definitely been talk about it, and it’s definitely been in development. But I don’t know where it is in the process; I’m not involved in it.” Likewise, Warner is mostly silent regarding Shrek 4, stating, “All we’re doing is Shrek 3 right now, that’s where our heads are at.” Nonetheless, Shrek 4 is currently scheduled for a 2010 release.

即將推出的從史瑞克系列剝離出來的”穿靴子的貓”。史瑞克3製片人阿隆華納承認:確實有談論它,並且它確實在開發,但我不知道,我沒有參與其中。同樣,華納主要是沉默的態度看待史瑞克4,他說:現在我們正在做的全是史瑞克3,這是我們主要的項目。不過,史瑞克4目前計劃在2010年推出 。

The maker of the information : 97116111,97116132

Disney to buy Marvel — it’s official

Source: http://www.animated-news.com/

Just breaking from Market Watch is news that The Walt Disney Company will be acquiring Marvel Entertainment (the company behind such comic icons as Iron Man, Spider-Man, X-Men, Captain America, Fantastic Four) in a stock and cash transaction worth about $4 billion.


The maker of information:97116111,97116132

Interview With Gini


在影片製作階段,每天早上我們動畫師跟導演都會在一間小放映室開會,稱作dailies (日報),對導演來說,他可以知道我們的進度,對我們來說,則可以知道我們做的東西方向對不對,這也是個藉由看同事的作品,讓自己獲得靈感的機會,導演會看每個鏡頭的表演是否感覺正確,該有的動作是否都有,會議之後我就開始工作,有時我會請同事看我的作品給些意見,我們也會有walkthrough(演練),這時導演會來我們位子看我們這天做的東西。
During film production, the animators get together every morning in a small screening room with the director in what’s called “dailies.” It’s a chance for the director to see where we’re at in the shots that have been assigned to us, and for the animators to find out if they’re going in the right direction. It’s also a chance to become inspired by the other animators’ work. The director is looking at whether a shot is feeling the way it should, and the action is doing what it should. After that, I start working. Sometimes I call other animators in to get feedback on my work. We also have walkthroughs when the director comes around to see what we’ve worked on during the day.
The maker of information: 97116147

A Bug's Life

A Bug's Life



This piece is Disney and PIXAR Corporation cooperates together the photography second 3D computer animation, preceding work[toy general mobilization]The unprecedented success, this chapter of they trade the background insect's world!


This piece of Disney when propaganda the declaration is one “the epic poem does greatly”

劇情內容是敘述一群準備儲糧過冬的螞蟻,長期以來都遭到蚱蜢的掠奪與攻擊,眼看每年蚱蜢徵收糧食的季節又要來臨,螞蟻們辛苦地工作儲糧,但卻被一隻名叫 Flik 的螞蟻把一切都搞砸了!一切的努力又都要重來,Flik 於是心生一計,決定出外去找其他昆蟲一同來幫忙,希望能從此擺脫蚱蜢的威脅,但是沒想到,他後來卻陰錯陽差找來一群馬戲團蟲蟲!經過一番波折,最後他們終於還是合力趕走了惡劣的蚱蜢,Flik 也成為螞蟻王國的英雄。本片的導演 John Lasseter 繼【玩具總動員】再度展現高度創意,並且坦承有一幕大鳥著火的場景靈感來自日本動畫大師宮崎駿作品【天空之城】。另外在本片的片尾,收錄有一段特別製作的NG片段,由昆蟲主角們假裝在拍片時遇到吃螺絲、撞牆等狀況,實在是十分暴笑!

【Oscar records】 獲得奧斯卡最佳音樂或喜劇片配樂提名

Obtains the Oscar best music or the comedy movie dubs in music the nomination

The maker of information: 97116158

Pixar’s Brad Bird on Fostering Innovation

布來得 伯特

Pixar’s Brad Bird on Fostering Innovation


Lesson Nine: Making $$ Can’t Be Your FocusThe Quarterly: How would you compare the Disney of your early career with Pixar today?
布來得 伯特:當我進入迪士尼,這就好像是豪華的凱迪拉克旅行汽車在雨中PS:就算是好車,再雨中也會被忽略,因為看不清楚,就不會去看。但是這公司的想法過程並不是這樣,我們有各式各樣驚人的遊樂設施與機械設備,我們要如何用這些設備去做些史人興奮的事情我門可以用這艘火箭船到火星是可以,不過我門一點也不了解Walt Disney,我們並不了解他要做什麼.我們不要讓這件事搞雜了.我們可以先保管這火箭船;去某些新地方可能會弄壞它! Walt Disney的箴言就是,我並不要製作電影去賺錢—我賺錢去製作電影對於評斷迪士尼的起與落,這是一個好方法。在皮克斯跟很多的公司之中,這也是事實這似乎違反常理,但是以研發為基礎的公司,成功的經營是短暫的,賺錢並不能成為重點。
Brad Bird: When I entered Disney, it was like a classic Cadillac Phaeton that had been left out in the rain… The company’s thought process was not, “We have all this amazing machinery—how do we use it to make exciting things?We could go to Mars in this rocket ship!”It was, “We don’t understand Walt Disney at all. We don’t understand what he did.Let’s not screw it up. Let’s just preserve this rocket ship; going somewhere new in it might damage it.”Walt Disney’s mantra was,“I don’t make movies to make money—I make money to make movies.” That’s a good way to sum up the difference between Disney at its height and Disney when it was lost.It’s also true of Pixar and a lot of other companies.It seems counterintuitive, but for imagination-based companies to succeed in the long run, making money can’t be the focus.

The maker of information: 97116114

2009年9月26日 星期六

A look at Disney and Pixar's 3-D movie technology


3D電影早已普遍。然而,經過技術處理的照片看起來十分亮眼,但幕後的過程卻相當繁瑣(那些笨重的眼鏡),且在片長稍長的電影時,很多觀眾都抱怨會使頭痛。 不過,這是舊的3D技術。迪斯尼公司在星期二宣布,它將釋放幾乎前所未有的3D動畫電影,其中包括幾名來自及其附屬皮克斯(“向上”,“玩具總動員3”和重新發布的“玩具總動員”、“玩具總動員2 “以及”汽車總動員2“)。在此之前,類似的宣布:夢工廠。 電影公司可以藉由現代的3D顯示技術達成,依賴於數位投影,而不是電影製作3D圖像。
下面是它的工作:要查看圖像在3D,你的兩個眼睛必須顯示略有不同的圖片,當這樣做是正確的,你的大腦兩個圖像解釋的方式,成為立體,或認為圖片是有深度的。 上一代使用的3D電影膠片要做到這一點:一個投影機將顯示兩個不同的照片在屏幕上同時進行。每個圖像是通過一根不同的線性極化濾波器,即每個圖像解碼只能通過一個特殊的過濾器-這些過濾器安裝在您的3D眼鏡。

A look at Disney and Pixar's 3-D movie technologyThree-dimensional movies have long gotten a bad rap. Sure, when the technology worked the pictures looked pretty good, but the process was cumbersome (those bulky glasses), and in feature-length films, many in the audience complained of headaches. But that was the old 3-D technology. On Tuesday Disney announced that it would release nearly all of its future animated movies in 3-D, including several from its subsidiary Pixar ("Up," "Toy Story 3" and re-releases of "Toy Story" and "Toy Story 2," and "Cars 2"). The move follows a similar announcement from Dreamworks. The studios can do this thanks to modern 3-D display technology, which relies on digital projection rather than film to produce 3-D images. Here's how it works: To see an image in 3-D, each of your eyes must be shown a slightly different picture; when this is done correctly, your brain interprets the two images in a way that creates "stereopsis," or the perception of depth in the picture. Last-generation 3-D movies used film to do this: A projector would display two different pictures on the screen simultaneously. Each image was fed through a different a linear polarization filter, meaning that each image could only be decoded through a special filter -- these were the filters mounted in your 3-D glasses.

如果你的頭尺寸剛好,你和你的左眼、右眼將各自看到一個完全不同的畫面,“船長行政主任”會是什麼樣子,他就在那兒。 但是,如果你沒有將你的頭擺對位置,圖像會有破裂-你的左眼會看到一個輕微的殘餘圖像影響著你的右眼,和你的右眼將會看到位的圖片影響著你的左邊。此破裂引起的頭痛。 新的3D技術由 Beverly Hills 發明並命名為 Real D。正相反兩幅圖像的顯示屏幕上同時,Real D用一個特殊的數位投影不斷的在您的右眼左眼顯示圖片。
REAL D 3D電影每秒顯示144幀,是正常電影放映機的6倍。這些照片迅速在您的右眼不斷切換,您的左眼為鏡頭和黑色框架。 你還是必須戴上3D眼鏡,但REAL D 3D這裡增加了一個創新。圖片意味著每個眼睛是“圓偏振”,也就是說它們的製造工藝更看不到,不是為了看到他們-這減少了圖像的遺漏,從讓觀賞電影更為舒適。 不是每個影院能夠放映電影。迪斯尼的第一個3D電影是2005年的“Chicken Little”;全國只有不到100家有配備去播放3D電影。但是,這並沒有影響電影的賣座,以及隨後的3D版本-例如,“Hannah Montana”的演唱會電影,今年早些時候發布的-一直很受歡迎。 你可以找到附近的3D影院在Real D的網站。此外,去嘗試Ray-Ban's那精美的3D眼鏡。

If you held your head just right, your left eye and your right eye would each see a different picture, and "Captain EO" would look like he was right there.
But if you didn't hold your head correctly, the images would "leak" into each other -- your left eye would see a slight remnant of the image meant for your right eye, and your right eye would see a bit of the picture meant for your left. This leak caused headaches.
The new 3-D technology was built by a Beverly Hills start-up called Real D. Instead of showing two images on screen at the same time, Real D uses a special digital projector to show pictures for both your right eye and your left eye in rapid succession.
Real D projectors show 144 movie frames every second, six times faster than a normal film projector. The pictures rapidly alternate between frames for your right eye, frames for your left eye, and black frames.
You've still got to wear 3D glasses, but Real D adds another innovation here. Images meant for each eye are "circularly polarized," meaning they're made much more invisible to the eye not meant to see them -- this cuts down on image leak between the eyes, making for a much more comfortable experience.
Not every theater is capable of showing these films. Disney's first 3D movie was 2005's "Chicken Little"; fewer than 100 theaters nationwide were equipped to show the film in 3-D. But those that did were well attended, and subsequent 3-D releases -- for instance the "Hannah Montana" concert film, released earlier this year -- have been very popular.
You can find a nearby 3-D theater at Real D's site. Also, check out Ray-Ban's stylish 3-D glasses.

The maker of information :97116112

2009年9月24日 星期四



Source: http://translate.google.com.tw/translate?hl=zh-TW&sl=en&tl=zh-TW&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.51render.com%2Fpost%2FRenderman.php

2004年6月5日PIXAR動畫公司發布了RenderMan Pro Server。該軟件包是該公司RenderMan 3D渲染軟件的升級。 RenderMan Pro Server捆綁了很多在影片和視頻中經常用到的工具。 新的版本價格為$3500。軟件為複雜的場景提供細微的光照效果,並完全利用先進的多處理器系統以新的渲染模式提升渲染能力。

June 5, 2004 PIXAR Animation Studios has released RenderMan Pro Server. This package is the company's RenderMan 3D rendering software upgrade. RenderMan Pro Server bundled with a lot in the film and video in the frequently used tools. The new version is priced at $ 3500. Software for complex scenes to provide subtle lighting effects and full use of advanced multi-processor system with a new rendering mode of rendering the ability to upgrade.


RenderMan has a powerful animation shader compiler and anti-blur feature that allows designers to create complex effects of great action movie. At the same time also a function of RenderMan is its authenticity, RenderMan to render a photo-realistic images, so in the industrial sector where the use of very popular. At the same time also a function of RenderMan is its authenticity, RenderMan to render a photo-realistic images, so in the industrial sector where the use of very popular.

The maker of information:9711625

2009年9月23日 星期三

Toy Story 2

《玩具總動員2》(英文:Toy Story 2)本片與【玩具總動員】一樣是由迪士尼與PIXAR公司共同製作,也是全以電腦動畫呈現,本片內容及人物都接續【玩具總動員】。

"Toy Story 2" (in English: Toy Story 2) film with the, like【Toy Story】, Disney and PIXAR is a co-production, but also the entire computer animation rendering. Film content and characters are consecutive 【Toy Story】.

【玩具總動員2】中,故事重心擺在描寫玩具被主人拋棄時的心路歷程,因此創造出女牛仔 Jessie 這個新角色。

【Toy Story 2】The story, the focus has been placed in describing toy when the owner abandoned his spiritual path, thus creating a cowgirl Jessie in this new role.
The maker of information:97116122

2009年9月22日 星期二

Toy story

《玩具總動員》(英文:Toy Story)是迪士尼公司和皮克斯動畫工作室公司於1995年合作推出,首部完全以3D電腦動畫攝製而成的長篇劇情動畫片。這電影片在1995年11月22日和1996年3月22日分別於美國和英國公映。

"Toy Story" (in English: Toy Story) is the Walt Disney Company and Pixar Animation Studios to launch the company in 1995, first produced entirely in 3D computer animation cartoon made a long story. It films in the November 22, 1995, and March 22, 1996 were screened in the U.S. and the UK.

The maker of information:97116111 . 97116132

2009年9月17日 星期四

About Animation

About Animation

Photo Source: http://www.pixar.com/
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animation

動畫是指2D或是3D的圖片或是藝術品或是模型快速連續播放所造成的視覺殘留效果,進而使眼睛 產生錯覺的運動現象。 這樣產生錯覺的運動現象,由於持續存在的現象的視野,並可以創建和顯示出一個數字的方法。

Animation is the rapid display of a sequence of images of 2-D or 3-D artwork or model positions in order to create an illusion of movement. It is an optical illusion of motion due to the phenomenon of persistence of vision, and can be created and demonstrated in a number of ways.


The most common method of presenting animation is as a motion picture or video program, although several other forms of presenting animation also exist.

The maker of information:97116132 . 97116111

(第一次的嘗試大多都靠google的翻譯大哥來支援的:( 許多專業的名詞陸續新增中)