2009年12月8日 星期二

Particle system

Particle system [p'ɑrtəkəl s'ɪstəm] - 粒子系統

The term particle system refers to a computer graphics technique to simulate certain fuzzy phenomena, which are otherwise very hard to reproduce with conventional rendering techniques. Examples of such phenomena which are commonly replicated using particle systems include fire, explosions, smoke, moving water, sparks, falling leaves, clouds, fog, snow, dust, meteor tails, hair, fur, grass, or abstract visual effects like glowing trails, magic spells, etc.
粒子系統是指一種電腦圖形技術來類比某些模糊的現象一詞,否則很難與傳統繪製技術重現。這種現象通常被覆制使用粒子系統,包括消防,如發光徑、 魔法技能等發生爆炸黑煙移動水、 火花、 落樹葉、 雲、 霧、 雪、 塵埃、 流星尾巴、 頭髮、 毛皮、 草或抽象視覺效果。

While in most cases particle systems are implemented in three dimensional graphics systems, two dimensional particle systems may also be used under some circumstances.

