2009年12月22日 星期二


(9) 機器人9號
由導演Shane Acker歷時4年制作,其靈感來自於1945年歐洲的一張照片:被炮彈瞄準的街道,到處都是戰爭留下的痕跡,呈現了一個戰爭之後無人居住的死城。影片主角的設計是由拉鏈、紐扣,別針和麻布頭組成,給人一種頹廢感。故事講述主人公9和5被帶入了一個侵略者設下的陷阱當中,美麗的城鎮已經被破壞,到處是破敗不堪的場景。侵略者機器獸攻擊了兩個粗麻布制作的娃娃。為了保全大家5點燃了自己發出了燃燒的火光,向大家發出警告,告訴大家侵略者正在靠近。侵略機器人又把苗頭指向了9。在目睹了布娃娃5的慘死後,布娃娃9鼓起勇氣來獨自面對可惡的敵人。9把機械獸引入了一個陷阱中,巧妙的擊敗了對手。雖然這部短片當年沒能最後奪得奧斯卡獎,但是其夢幻的視覺效果和神話般的故事情節給人留下深刻的印像。

Directed by Shane Acker took four years of production in 1945, inspired by a photograph in Europe: The shells targeted the streets everywhere the imprint of the war, presents a dead city after the war uninhabited. Film characters was designed by zippers, buttons, pins, and linen head composition, giving a sense of decadence. The story is about the hero of 9 and 5 are brought into a trap set by an aggressor among the beautiful cities and towns have been destroyed, everywhere is a dilapidated scene. Aggressors attacked the two machines beast burlap doll making. In order to preserve all five ignited the flames burning himself sent to warn us, telling us that the aggressor is close. Aggression, signs point to the 9 robots again. Having witnessed the tragic death of five after the cloth doll, cloth doll 9 courage to face alone hateful enemies. 9 mechanical beast into a trap, the clever beat his opponent. Even though this video did not last year won the Academy Award, but its fantastic visual effects and fabulous story gives leave a deep impression.

