2009年12月22日 星期二


字幕機(Character generator),簡稱CG

字幕機(Character generator),簡稱CG,是一種用來將文字輸入於影片中的設備或軟體,最初是為了讓聾人也可以看電影而設計出來的,而後來漸漸成了電影中各種方言的最好解釋。現今的字幕機大多是以電腦使用,除可以打字幕之外,也可以打表格等。

CG (Character generator), referred to as CG, is a kind of used to the text input in the film, the equipment or software, the first is to enable deaf people can also be designed out of a movie, but then gradually became a film a variety of dialects the best explanation. Most of today's CG is based on the use of computers, in addition to subtitles, but also can play forms.


(9) 機器人9號
由導演Shane Acker歷時4年制作,其靈感來自於1945年歐洲的一張照片:被炮彈瞄準的街道,到處都是戰爭留下的痕跡,呈現了一個戰爭之後無人居住的死城。影片主角的設計是由拉鏈、紐扣,別針和麻布頭組成,給人一種頹廢感。故事講述主人公9和5被帶入了一個侵略者設下的陷阱當中,美麗的城鎮已經被破壞,到處是破敗不堪的場景。侵略者機器獸攻擊了兩個粗麻布制作的娃娃。為了保全大家5點燃了自己發出了燃燒的火光,向大家發出警告,告訴大家侵略者正在靠近。侵略機器人又把苗頭指向了9。在目睹了布娃娃5的慘死後,布娃娃9鼓起勇氣來獨自面對可惡的敵人。9把機械獸引入了一個陷阱中,巧妙的擊敗了對手。雖然這部短片當年沒能最後奪得奧斯卡獎,但是其夢幻的視覺效果和神話般的故事情節給人留下深刻的印像。

Directed by Shane Acker took four years of production in 1945, inspired by a photograph in Europe: The shells targeted the streets everywhere the imprint of the war, presents a dead city after the war uninhabited. Film characters was designed by zippers, buttons, pins, and linen head composition, giving a sense of decadence. The story is about the hero of 9 and 5 are brought into a trap set by an aggressor among the beautiful cities and towns have been destroyed, everywhere is a dilapidated scene. Aggressors attacked the two machines beast burlap doll making. In order to preserve all five ignited the flames burning himself sent to warn us, telling us that the aggressor is close. Aggression, signs point to the 9 robots again. Having witnessed the tragic death of five after the cloth doll, cloth doll 9 courage to face alone hateful enemies. 9 mechanical beast into a trap, the clever beat his opponent. Even though this video did not last year won the Academy Award, but its fantastic visual effects and fabulous story gives leave a deep impression.

2009年12月8日 星期二

Particle system

Particle system [p'ɑrtəkəl s'ɪstəm] - 粒子系統

The term particle system refers to a computer graphics technique to simulate certain fuzzy phenomena, which are otherwise very hard to reproduce with conventional rendering techniques. Examples of such phenomena which are commonly replicated using particle systems include fire, explosions, smoke, moving water, sparks, falling leaves, clouds, fog, snow, dust, meteor tails, hair, fur, grass, or abstract visual effects like glowing trails, magic spells, etc.
粒子系統是指一種電腦圖形技術來類比某些模糊的現象一詞,否則很難與傳統繪製技術重現。這種現象通常被覆制使用粒子系統,包括消防,如發光徑、 魔法技能等發生爆炸黑煙移動水、 火花、 落樹葉、 雲、 霧、 雪、 塵埃、 流星尾巴、 頭髮、 毛皮、 草或抽象視覺效果。

While in most cases particle systems are implemented in three dimensional graphics systems, two dimensional particle systems may also be used under some circumstances.

Tire Tread Marks Animation Using Particle Flow

Tire Tread Marks Animation Using Particle Flow


1. Download this file (ZIP). Open file "treadmarks_particle_start.max". This file contains a moving tank. Here I used a tank. Later you can change the tank with cars or any object with tire. Note: The tank caterpillar track is animated using technique described in Tank Caterpillar Track Animation Tutorial.In this file you can also find a treadmark object. This object is just two simple plane combined as one, representing two tread marks (left and right tire).
2. Create PF Source icon in top viewport. In Modify tab, use Viewport Quantity Multiplier = 100% so you can view all particle in viewport. Position this icon at the middle of tank. Then, activate Select And Link tool. Link icon to tank body. Now, icon will moved together with tank.
建立公積金源在頂視圖中的圖標。在修改標籤,使用視口數量乘數 = 100%,使您可以瀏覽所有的粒子在視圖。這個圖標的位置,中間坦克。然後,選擇並激活鏈接的工具。鏈接圖標罐體。現在,圖標會提出與坦克。

3. In Left viewport, position PF icon exactly behind the tire (tank track). And make sure it is slightly above the ground (plane). You may need to zoom in.

4. Open Particle View (Press 6 in keyboard). Change these values:In Birth 01 operator, enter Emit Stop=300, to make particle emits until the end of animation. For a while, leave Amount unchanged, we will adjust this value later.In Position Icon 01 operator, use Location=Pivot. Particle will be emitted at the middle of icon.Then in Speed 01 operator, use Speed=0. This value will make particle stop right ater emitted. Delete Rotation 01 operator. We don't need this operator.
打開粒子視圖(在鍵盤上按6)。更改這些值:在出生01運營商,進入發射停止= 300,使粒子發射,直到最後的動畫。有一段時間,休假金額不變,我們將調整此值後。在01位置圖標操作,使用位置=樞軸。粒子的排放量在中間的圖標。然後,在速度01運營商,使用速度= 0。此值將停止正確提爾顆粒排放。刪除旋轉 01運營商。我們不需要此操作。

5. Drag Shape Instance operator from Depot into Event 01, make sure it replaces Shape 01 operator. In Shape Instance 01 parameter, click button under Particle Geometry Object. Click "treadmark" object in viewport.In Display 01 operator change display type into Geometry. Now, you can see "treadmark" object appear as particle.
拖動形狀實例經營活動從倉庫到01,以確保它取代形狀 01運營商。在形狀實例 01參數,單擊按鈕下的粒子幾何對象。點擊“treadmark”對象口中。在顯示 01運營商轉變成幾何顯示類型。現在,你可以看到“treadmark”對象顯示為粒子。

6. Scrub slider to view the animation. Notice that, the distance between treadmarks (particle) is too narrow. In Birth 01 operator, decrease Amount to 60.
洗刷滑子觀看動畫。 注意那, treadmarks (微粒)之間的距離是太狹窄的。 在誕生01操作員,減少數額到60。

7. Congratulations. You have finished this tutorial. Video below shows sample of rendered animation.


IMAX - Image MAXimum ['ɪmədʒ m'æksəməm] - 最大影像

IMAX (short for Image MAXimum) is a motion picture film format and projection standard created by Canada's IMAX Corporation. The traditional version of IMAX has the capacity to record and display images of far greater size and resolution than conventional film systems. A standard IMAX screen is 22 metres (72 ft) wide and 16.1 metres (53 ft) high, but can vary.
IMAX(Image MAXimum) 是由加拿大的IMAX Corporation創建的一種電影電影格式和投影標準。傳統版本的IMAX有記錄並顯示圖像更大尺寸和解析度比傳統膠片系統的能力。標準的套裝螢幕 22 米 (七十二呎) 寬、 16.1 米 (53 英尺) 高,但可能會有所不同。

The world's largest cinema screen and IMAX screen is in the LG IMAX theatre in Darling Harbour, Sydney. It is 29.42m (approximately 8 stories) high by 35.73m wide — covering an area of more than 1,015 square metres.
世界上最大的電影院螢幕和套裝螢幕是在 LG 套裝劇院的達令港,悉尼。這是 29.42 m (約 8 故事) 高乘 35.73 米寬 — 面積超過 1,015 方米。

IMAX is the most widely used system for large-format, special-venue film presentations. As of April 2009, there are 320 IMAX theatres in 42 countries, with about half of these located in the United States. About 60% of IMAX venues are commercial theatres with the other 40% being located in educational venues.
套裝是最廣泛使用的系統,為大幅面、 特殊地點的電影的演示文稿。截至四月 2009,有 320 套裝劇院的 42 個國家約一半的這些設在美國。約有 60%的套裝場地是商業劇院位於教育場地的其它 40 %。

Variations of the traditional IMAX format include IMAX Dome (using a tilted dome screen) which is sometimes called OmniMAX, IMAX 3D and IMAX Digital.
傳統的套裝格式的變化包括套裝罩 (使用傾斜的圓頂的螢幕) 有時稱為 OmniMAX,套裝 3D 和套裝數位。


Background music,簡稱BGM

背景音樂(Background music,簡稱BGM),也稱配樂,通常是指在電視劇電影動畫電子遊戲網站中用於調節氣氛的一種音樂,插入於對話之中,能夠增強情感的表達,達到一種讓觀眾身歷其境的感受。另外,在一些公共場合(如酒吧、咖啡廳、商場)播放的音樂也稱背景音樂。

Background Music (Background music, referred to as BGM), also known as the soundtrack, usually refers to TV shows, movies, animation, electronic games, the site for regulating the atmosphere of a music, insert in its dialogue can enhance the expression of emotion, to a means of allowing the audience an immersive feel. In addition, in some public places (such as bars, cafes, shopping malls) where music is also known as background music.