2009年12月8日 星期二

Tire Tread Marks Animation Using Particle Flow

Tire Tread Marks Animation Using Particle Flow


1. Download this file (ZIP). Open file "treadmarks_particle_start.max". This file contains a moving tank. Here I used a tank. Later you can change the tank with cars or any object with tire. Note: The tank caterpillar track is animated using technique described in Tank Caterpillar Track Animation Tutorial.In this file you can also find a treadmark object. This object is just two simple plane combined as one, representing two tread marks (left and right tire).
2. Create PF Source icon in top viewport. In Modify tab, use Viewport Quantity Multiplier = 100% so you can view all particle in viewport. Position this icon at the middle of tank. Then, activate Select And Link tool. Link icon to tank body. Now, icon will moved together with tank.
建立公積金源在頂視圖中的圖標。在修改標籤,使用視口數量乘數 = 100%,使您可以瀏覽所有的粒子在視圖。這個圖標的位置,中間坦克。然後,選擇並激活鏈接的工具。鏈接圖標罐體。現在,圖標會提出與坦克。

3. In Left viewport, position PF icon exactly behind the tire (tank track). And make sure it is slightly above the ground (plane). You may need to zoom in.

4. Open Particle View (Press 6 in keyboard). Change these values:In Birth 01 operator, enter Emit Stop=300, to make particle emits until the end of animation. For a while, leave Amount unchanged, we will adjust this value later.In Position Icon 01 operator, use Location=Pivot. Particle will be emitted at the middle of icon.Then in Speed 01 operator, use Speed=0. This value will make particle stop right ater emitted. Delete Rotation 01 operator. We don't need this operator.
打開粒子視圖(在鍵盤上按6)。更改這些值:在出生01運營商,進入發射停止= 300,使粒子發射,直到最後的動畫。有一段時間,休假金額不變,我們將調整此值後。在01位置圖標操作,使用位置=樞軸。粒子的排放量在中間的圖標。然後,在速度01運營商,使用速度= 0。此值將停止正確提爾顆粒排放。刪除旋轉 01運營商。我們不需要此操作。

5. Drag Shape Instance operator from Depot into Event 01, make sure it replaces Shape 01 operator. In Shape Instance 01 parameter, click button under Particle Geometry Object. Click "treadmark" object in viewport.In Display 01 operator change display type into Geometry. Now, you can see "treadmark" object appear as particle.
拖動形狀實例經營活動從倉庫到01,以確保它取代形狀 01運營商。在形狀實例 01參數,單擊按鈕下的粒子幾何對象。點擊“treadmark”對象口中。在顯示 01運營商轉變成幾何顯示類型。現在,你可以看到“treadmark”對象顯示為粒子。

6. Scrub slider to view the animation. Notice that, the distance between treadmarks (particle) is too narrow. In Birth 01 operator, decrease Amount to 60.
洗刷滑子觀看動畫。 注意那, treadmarks (微粒)之間的距離是太狹窄的。 在誕生01操作員,減少數額到60。

7. Congratulations. You have finished this tutorial. Video below shows sample of rendered animation.

